Otsuka Ai's song I introduce to you yoday is Happy Days.This song is in 4th single CD.This is a song with an upbeat tempo.
Otsuka Ai usually songs about love.But this song means that we want to be able to feel small happiness.I think that a strong point of Otsuka Ai's songs is her using simple but deep words.

This song is always sung at concerts.At concerts,Otsuka Ai does not only sing but also plays piano and violine.In this song,a piano and a violine are not used but she uses a megaphone instead of a microphone.I was surprised when I saw her use a megaphone for the first time.
At a recent concert,because songs are with simple dance composition,an audience can make positive efforts to join a concert.So concerts are more exciting than before.
I haven't joined a concert.I want to.
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