I am glad that I can study something at Keio University.But recently I can not study enough.That is because I blong to kendo club and I am tired after practicing and I have no power to study.
My life changed.For example,I have gone to bed next day.That is because it takes me a lot of time to go home.I wish that Keio University would be near my house!!Too tired...
I want time to play.Students need studying and playing.I lose both of them...
About Kendo 21

Uniforms of kendo 2...
Protective armour bogu is worn to protect specified target areas on the head, arms and body.The head is protected by the helmet-like men,the forearm, wrist and hand by gauntlets called kote,the body by the do and tare.The clothing worn under the bogu comprises a jacket, or kendogi and a hakama, which is a trouser-like garment with wide legs. A cotton towel or tenugui is tied around the head, under the men, to absorb perspiration and provides a base for the men to fit comfortably. Like in some other martial arts, kendoka train and fight barefoot.
About Kendo 20

Today,I introduce to you uniforms of kendo.
Kendo is practiced using a shinai.One, or more rarely two shinai, are used. The shinai is the practice sword and is made up of four bamboo staves, which are held together by leather fittings. Kendoka also use bokuto,wooden swords,to practice more formal, set forms known as kata.
To be continued...
About Kendo 19

How to practice kendo 3...
Once a kendoka begins to practice in bogu, a practice session may include any or all of the following types of practice.
・Kiri-kaeshi: successively striking the left and right men, practice centering, distance, and correct technique, while building spirit and stamina.
・Waza-geiko: waza or technique practice in which the student learns to use the many techniques of Kendo with a receiving partner.
・Kakari-geiko: short, intense, attack practice which teaches continuous alertness, the ability to attack no matter what has come before, as well as building spirit and stamina.
・Ji-geiko: undirected practice where the kendoka has a chance to try all that has been learnt, against an opponent.
・Gokaku-geiko: practice between two kendoka of similar skill level.
・Hikitate-geiko: practice where a senior kendoka guides a junior through practice.
・Shiai-geiko: competition practice which may also be judged.
・Kiri-kaeshi: successively striking the left and right men, practice centering, distance, and correct technique, while building spirit and stamina.
・Waza-geiko: waza or technique practice in which the student learns to use the many techniques of Kendo with a receiving partner.
・Kakari-geiko: short, intense, attack practice which teaches continuous alertness, the ability to attack no matter what has come before, as well as building spirit and stamina.
・Ji-geiko: undirected practice where the kendoka has a chance to try all that has been learnt, against an opponent.
・Gokaku-geiko: practice between two kendoka of similar skill level.
・Hikitate-geiko: practice where a senior kendoka guides a junior through practice.
・Shiai-geiko: competition practice which may also be judged.
About Kendo 18

How to practice kendo 2...
In modern kendo, there are strikes or cuts and thrusts. Strikes are allowed only to be made on specified target areas, or datotsu-bui on the wrists, head or body, all of which are protected by bogu. The targets are men,top of the head,sayu-men or yoko-men,upper left or right side of the head,the right kote, or wrist at any time, the left kote when it is in a raised position,such as jodan-no-kamae also known as jodan,and the left or right side of the do or torso. Thrusts are only allowed to the throat,tsuki. However, since an incorrectly performed thrust could injure the neck, thrusting techniques in free practice and competition are often restricted to senior dan graded kendoka.
To be continued...
About Kendo 17

Today,I introduce to you how to practice kendo.
Kendo is ideally practiced in a purpose-built dojo, though standard sports halls and other venues are often used. An appropriate venue has a clean and well-sprung wooden floor, suitable for the distinctive stamping footwork,fumikomi-ashi,used by the bare-footed practitioners.
To be continued...
About Kendo 16

Competitions of kendo 4...
The first competitor to score two points wins the match. If the time limit is reached and only one competitor has a point, that competitor wins.
In the case of a tie, there are several options:
・The match may be declared a draw.
・The match may be extended,encho,and the first competitor to score a point wins.
・The winner may be chosen by a decision made by the shinpan, or hantei, in which the three referees vote for their choice. This is done simultaneously, by show of flags.
In the case of a tie, there are several options:
・The match may be declared a draw.
・The match may be extended,encho,and the first competitor to score a point wins.
・The winner may be chosen by a decision made by the shinpan, or hantei, in which the three referees vote for their choice. This is done simultaneously, by show of flags.
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