
About Kendo 19

How to practice kendo 3...

Once a kendoka begins to practice in bogu, a practice session may include any or all of the following types of practice.
Kiri-kaeshi: successively striking the left and right men, practice centering, distance, and correct technique, while building spirit and stamina.
Waza-geiko: waza or technique practice in which the student learns to use the many techniques of Kendo with a receiving partner.
Kakari-geiko: short, intense, attack practice which teaches continuous alertness, the ability to attack no matter what has come before, as well as building spirit and stamina.
Ji-geiko: undirected practice where the kendoka has a chance to try all that has been learnt, against an opponent.
Gokaku-geiko: practice between two kendoka of similar skill level.
Hikitate-geiko: practice where a senior kendoka guides a junior through practice.
Shiai-geiko: competition practice which may also be judged.


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